张秀娣 |
张秀娣,安徽人,博士研究生,讲师 主要研究领域:教育评价、高等教育、教育研究方法 主讲课程:《学前教育评价》 主要学术兼职:《The journal of Early Childhood》期刊评审 近年来出版的著作: 1.[Chinese international students’ citizenship: A case study in New Zealand] 2020 Springer. 2.《教育评价与方法》,2023 近年来发表的论文: 1.Zhang, X., & Tian, X. (2022). The sustainable development of Asian students’ project-based learning: Implementing a holistic and indigenous Whare Tapa Rima Model. Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI); 2.Zhang, X., & Tian, X. (2022). The Challenges of Chinese University Leaders During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Case Study Approach(SSCI); 3.“Directors inside of Electronic Fences”, chapter 8 of Evaluative Enquiry and Democracy: Theory and Method, 2017. 4.“Kites Flying: Chinese overseas students’ reflections on National Identity”: the Qualitative Report, 2017. 5. “As far as the government is a good government, it is democratic”: Citizenship education in China, Journal of Citizenship, Social and Economic Education, 2016. 6.“The Third Space: Impact of the Hidden Curriculum on the Understanding of Chinese International students in New Zealand”, book chapter in Educating Chinese-Heritage Students in the Global-local Nexus: Achievement, Challenges, and Opportunities, 2016. 7.“Analysis on the Educational Quality-ensuring Measures of the State-owned University in JiangXi Province”,Journal of Gannan Normal University.2011 (published in Chinese) 8.“Compare Female Education between China and American”, In Business Culture.2010 (published in Chinese) 近年来主持、参与的主要科研教研项目 1. 河南省社会哲学青年项目《课堂过程性评价体系建构》,2022,主持,在研; 2. 河南省教育科学规划,2021,主持,已结项; 3. 河南省教育厅人文,2020,主持,已结项; 4. 参与国家级课题,2021至今。 荣誉及获奖情况 1.2023届优秀实习带队指导教师。 2.2023届毕业论文优秀指导教师。 主要联系方式 E-mail:xiudi549@163.com QQ:419205137 电话:18739442663